Sunday, November 05, 2006

Student Support Review First Report

A draft copy of the much heralded Student Support Review First Report landed on my desk last week (and many thanks to Mary Kirby for facilitating that).

Wow what a weighty tome it is! I've just finished working my way through it in preparation for the round of discussions that of course will follow its publication and I'm impressed with how much of what it contains reflects the student viewpoint that I know fed into the review process and informed the team behind it. Not that I ever doubted they were listening to us, but it is good to see the evidence of it.

The report will now do the rounds of Senate and the consultative structure where once again the student voice will be able to feed into it - so I do urge those of you on committees to read the report when you get your papers, discuss it with your local student groups, attend your meetings where it will be discussed, and raise your student voice.

The review team have opened a forum on FirstClass called Student Support Review Evidence - it's purpose is to gather additional evidence and comment on the overviews from the evidence website (that isn't up and running yet but I'll provide a link as soon as it is) they are inviting comments from all interested parties (so that would be us then yes? It's our future support structure and mechanisms they are talking about so we're interested in it aren't we?) - if you have anything to say then go along and say it please.

O U S A will also be hosting it's own forum (which will be opening soon and will be located inside the O U S A Matters forum) - this will be more of a discussion forum so that those who wish can feed back to the team of student reps who attend the Stakeholder Reference Group (which is a part of the Student Support Review team consulting structure) can take a wider student view of the first report back to the next meeting. Please do come along and join in the discussions.

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